Tools and parts

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In order to make repairs, even the most simpler,some materials and a minimum of equipment are still needed, making it possible to operate adequately on an old fountain pen. Many of these can also be used for maintenance and repair of modern pens.

We gathered in this page everything present on this site relating to materials and repair equipment, with a list and a summary classification of the same. At the same time the page will serve as a general index for specific items on these topics. All photos of the equipment illustrated in the various pages mentioned in this section are available in this gallery.


Before starting any repair and or restoration is essential to take yourself two things that cannot be found either in the market or in the net. Luckily, they are available to all, you just need to use them:

  • patience
  • time

Adhesives / Sealants / Heat Sources

Parts and replacements

Specific equipment

General equipment

Abrasives for barrels and nibs

Suppliers list

The following is a list of suppliers of materials and equipment purchased on the internet.